Boat Handling Under Power
Learn how to depart, dock, and handle different types of boats while looking like a pro. Learn the different types of propulsion, steering, and trimming so you can develop proficiency in handling your vessel in rough seas and maneuvering in close quarters. The seminar materials include a Student Guide with slide images and complete notes. A copy of the waterproof Captain's QuickGuide Boat Handling under Power is optionally available
What's included?
How to operate powerboats and sailboats under power
Close quarters maneuvering
Types of steering
Jet drives
Steering in reverse
Single and twin screw

Advanced Power Boat Handling
When the weather deteriorates without warning, rest easy knowing you can handle your boat under adverse conditions. You'll learn techniques to handle your boat based on hull type, boat trim and wave types. Discover how to recover from grounding and how to dock in challenging conditions. You’ll understand what the “old timers” and professionals have learned the hard way. This seminar gets you there faster, and with confidence. Then, on the water you can visualize your actions and execute them easily. The full-color book Powerboat Handling Illustrated is an optional reference.
What's included?
How boats move in close quarters
Departing the dock
Docking under challenging conditions
How your boat behaves in waves
Wave patterns and conditions
Trimming the boat
Handling waves
Dealing with severe waves
Handling running aground
Rounding a bend

Anchoring with Assurance
Don't drift! Understand the issues and problems involving anchoring, such as anchor types and sizes. Learn proper anchoring techniques for your area. By understanding anchoring conditions and situations, you'll protect your boat and get a good night's sleep on the water. The seminar materials include the Anchoring Seminar booklet and an optional Anchoring QuickGuide.
What's included?
Anchor types
What size anchor
Tips and tricks
Buying an anchor
Where common anchors work best
How much line or chain to use
Anchor lines
Anchor chains
Holding power

Boating on Rivers, Locks, and Lakes
Can you read a river? How does a river lock differ from a canal lock? The United States has over 30,000 miles of improved waterways—some of the finest boating to be found anywhere. Rivers, locks and lakes introduce challenges not found on other bodies of water. Discover these challenges, and learn the boating skills you need to safely boat inland waters with confidence. Each student receives a full color Student Guide especially written for the seminar.
What's included?
Special navigation rules for rivers
The Western Rivers System of buoys and marks
River currents
“Reading” a river
Jetties and wing dams
Intricacies of locking through
Communicating with lock masters and bridge tenders

Sail Trim and Rig Tuning
Are you getting the most out of your sailboat? Learn how to set up your boat's rigging and how to use and adjust your sails for optimum performance under a wide range of conditions. You'll sail like a pro using the tips from this seminar. The seminar includes a copy of seminar Student Notes. The waterproof Captain's QuickGuide Sail Trim and Rig Tuning by Bill Gladstone and North Sails is optionally available.
What's included?
Sail terminology
Rigging terminology
Trimming tools
Wind flow on sails
Sail twist and tensioning

How to Use GPS
Sure, GPS can get you where you need to go, but did you know you can use it to steer your boat accurately? Enhance your boating experience by getting the most out of today's feature-packed GPS devices. Learn how to store and use waypoints, build and execute routes, and monitor steering. You can also get tips on connecting your GPS to your VHF marine radio, which opens up a new world of digital hailing and distress signaling. The seminar materials include a copy of the Student Notes. A waterproof McGraw-Hill Captain’s QuickGuide Using GPS to take aboard to remind you of the steps, or to show another of your crew how to use your GPS, is optionally available.
What's included?
What GPS does
Waypoint navigation
How to operate your GPS
What the buttons do
What the screens show
How to use the key functions
How to navigate safe course
Tips on choosing a GPS that’s best for you

How to Use a Chart
Whether you're planning a cruise, going fishing, or traveling to a local marina, knowing how to read and use nautical charts is essential to safe boating. Charts include must-have information, including bottom contours, hazards, and aids to navigation, to help you travel safely. Each student receives a Student Guide for the seminar. An optional waterproof flip-fold Chart Symbols and On-the-Water Guide to take along on the boat with you is also available.
What's included?
What charts show navigators above the water
Chart features
Chart scales
What charts show navigators below the water
Aids to navigation
Latitude and longitude
Planning your course
What’s in your way

Confidence in Docking/UnDocking
Docking can be one of the most stressful tasks you can perform, especially if your are a new boater. Closely related as a source of anxiety is maintaining control of your boat at slow speed in close proximity to other boats and fixed objects.
With the knowledge you'll gain in this seminar, coupled with your on-the-water practice, your confidence in docking and slow-speed maneuvering will increase and your boating will be both safer and more enjoyable.
Introduction to Navigation
Do you want to learn practical techniques to plan, navigate, and check your progress on the water? It's not that hard, and modern marine electronics like GPS and Chartplotters make it even easier.
This seminar will introduce you to using nautical charts to determine safe routes, creating waypoints in your Chartplotter and other GPS devices, and basic electronic navigation and planning using the free downloadable OpenCPN software. This seminar is a great foundation for advanced courses that teach piloting and celestial navigation skills.
The student kit includes the Introduction to Navigation booklet with integrated discussion to the instructor PowerPoint classroom presentation, including directions to download navigation charts and the OpenCPN software application.
What's included?
Nautical charts
Waypoint navigation using a chartplotter
Navigation planning using OpenCPN software
Navigation while underway
What to do when things go wrong

Boating with Confidence
Boat handling away from the dock or marina is often called "at sea". This seminar has been designed to acquaint you with general boat-handling situations and teach you skills to handle your boat at sea.
You'll gain confidence about basic operations; trimming your boat; operating on plane; handling seas and waves; dealing with bars, rivers, rivers, and bends; and other situations you will encounter along your cruise.
And you'll have a better understanding about issues you can control, issues that the environment will present, and how to use and tie the two knots most often used when at sea: the sheet bend and the bowline.
Rules of the Road

Don't leave the dock without knowing the rules of the road. This seminar simplifies the sometimes complex U.S. Inland Rules and International Rules, or COLREGS, for the recreational boater. Through examples, you'll discover how to avoid collisions in various situations, the differences between power and sailboat rules, and the special rules for fishing vessel. This seminar includes Student Notes with slides. McGraw-Hill's The One Minute Guide to the Nautical Rules of the Road by Charlie Wing is optionally available. This seminar is also a starting point for study preparation for the USCG License examination.
What's included?
Avoiding collisions
Meeting head on
Sailing vessels
Vessel responsibilities
Fishing vessels
Lights and shapes on vessels
Sounds signals
Restricted visibility
Distress signals
Marine Radar
Don't get lost in the fog. Whether you want to navigate safely or decide what equipment to purchase, this seminar provides clear advice. Learn how RADAR works, how to use it effectively, and its limitations as a piloting aid. You'll receive a copy of the Student Notes that has copies of the slides used in the seminar. The RADAR Book by Kevin Monahan is optionally available.
What's included?
RADAR basics
Operator controls
Operator aids
Collision avoidance
RADAR display
Target identification
Rain and snow effects

Basic Weather and Forecasting
Are the winds too strong? What is a small craft advisory? The safety and comfort of those who venture out on the water have always been weather dependent. This seminar, a must for boaters who have never taken a weather course, will help you answer these questions and gain an understanding of the forces acting on your boat. Understand the forecast and know what to expect, whether you're in a kayak, trawler, sailboat, or schooner. This seminar presents a complex subject in a way that is both understandable and useful.
Each seminar participant receives a Student Guide with slide images and complete notes written especially for the seminar. An optional waterproof McGraw Hill Captain’s QuickGuide – Onboard Weather Forecasting – designed for onboard and field use is also available.
What's included?
What causes weather
How weather systems move
Why winds blow
What clouds tell us
How storms and fronts create foul weather
Why fog forms
Where to get the best professional forecasts
How to refine them using your own observations

Hurricane Preparation for Boaters
When a named storm threatens, you need to be prepared and protect your boat. In this short seminar, you'll learn how to select a location from which to weather the storm and prepare your boat for a hurricane. The kit includes Student Notes with copies of the slides.
What's included?
Check vessels and gear
Review marina/dockmaster contracts
Make plans
Check your trailer
Prepare a storm plan
Lessons learned from storms
Hurricane anchoring
Be storm ready
Your responsibilities
Post-hurricane efforts of US Coast Guard and law enforcement

Tides and Currents
Cruise confidently in coastal waters, secure in your knowledge of tidal conditions. Even if you are an inland boater, you may travel to an area where knowing about tides and tidal currents is important. Discover what causes the tides to rise and fall and what causes the currents to flow. Learn where to find sources of information about tides and tidal currents, simple ways to predict height of tide and speed of current flow and how to use both print and electronic tide tables. Learn about how tides and currents affect your boat’s performance from experienced coastal boaters.
Each student receives a full color Student Guide for this two-hour seminar.
What's included?
Causes and effects of tides and currents
Predict the time of highest tide before it begins to fall
Predict the vertical movement of the water
Safely navigate low tide
Determine the speed of the current and when it reaches maximum flood
Deal with mean high and low water
Use NOAA charts and tables
Factor in tides and currents when anchoring

Emergencies on Board
Learn how to adequately prepare for common emergencies and deal with them when they occur. Gain practical knowledge about accident prevention, running aground, onboard fires, getting lost, towing, and medical emergencies. A must-have for skippers, this seminar provides valuable skills for anyone venturing on the water. The seminar comes with a full color Student Guide for the seminar. The Emergencies on Board QuickGuide—a handy reference to use in responding to emergency situations—is optionally available.
What's included?
Prevent accidents
Make emergency calls and signals
Deal with running aground
Handle a person overboard situation
Put out files onboard
Deal with losing power
Deal with medical conditions
Deal with steering failures
Deal with getting lost

Fuel and Boating
Discover what every boater needs to know about gasoline and diesel fuel, including computing and evaluating fuel consumption, caring for your fuel system, and fueling a boat safely. Learn how to handle fuel safely and to respect its lethal potential. Learn how to avoid running out of fuel. Each student receives a full color Student Guide for the seminar.
What's included?
Practice environmentally safe fueling
Control and prevent “oily waste” discharge
Know the differences between gasoline and diesel engines
Understanding torque, horsepower, transmissions and propeller issues
Measure and predict fuel performance
Employ special “rules of thumb”
Calculate range and distance
Recognize fuel problems

Partner in Command

Are you a crew member or passenger who has no idea what's going on during a boat trip? Learn the essential skills you will need to help the skipper safely operate a recreational boat, including how to respond in an emergency. You'll become an asset on board with Partner in Command.
The Partner in Command seminar includes an introduction to boating, understanding anchoring, docking, and navigation, preparing for bad weather, first aid and on-board emergencies, and more. This comprehensive seminar is presented in 2-4 hours and comes with a full color Student Guide for the seminar
What's included?
Communications, including VHF marine radio
Calling for help
Signaling equipment
Safety and safety equipment
First aid
Starting and running the engine
Tool kits
Man Overboard
People fall overboard, especially in rough weather and high seas. Discover how to equip and maneuver your boat to retrieve someone in the water. Essential for all boaters, this seminar teaches you what to do if you fall overboard, as well as how to retrieve someone else. The seminar includes a full color Student Guide for the seminar.
What's included?
How to recover a crewmember who has fallen overboard
Vessel set-up and man overboard (MOB) equipment
Maneuvering to keep the rescuer close to the person in the water
Methods of recovering the person overboard

Using VHF/DSC Marine Radio
Get familiar with your boat's VHF marine radio in just two hours. Experienced instructors teach you how to use VHF radio like a pro, including the new digital selective calling (DSC) rescue feature. You'll also get tips on purchasing and installing VHF to get the most out of your investment.
A handy waterproof McGraw-Hill Captain's QuickGuide Using VHF is optionally available with essential information that you should have aboard. This QuickGuide explains to anyone on your crew how to use the radio, a real benefit if you’re unable to help in an emergency.
What's included?
How VHF radios work and their controls
Using the correct channels
Using correct procedures and terminology
Advanced methods of communication
How digital selective calling (DSC) equipped radios work and their controls
Practice DSC calls using the included DSC simulator on CD

Knots and Line Handling

All thumbs when it comes to securing your boat and gear? In this hands-on program, you'll learn to tie the most useful knots using the included step-by-step USPS Guide Knots, Bends and Hitches. Take the materials home to practice the many other knots described in the guide. The McGraw-Hill book Knots, Bends and Hitches for Mariners is also available
What's included?
Practical skills
Rope selection
Marlinespike seamanship
Rope versus line
Parts of a line
Classes of knots
Line construction
Common knots for mariners
Care and handling
AIS Electronics for Boaters
Our newest Boat Systems seminar, can help you decide if Automatic Identification System (AIS) electronics are right for you.
AIS electronics aren’t just for commercial vessels. Using AIS can help you navigate crowded waterways easily and safely.
With AIS marine electronics onboard, you can identify potential dangers and quickly make decisions on the water. Many systems share your boat’s information with other boats so they can also make better, safer boating decisions.
In this course, you will learn what AIS does, how it works, whether you need an AIS system, how AIS is different from radar, how to use AIS to navigate more safely, and what to consider when integrating AIS with your existing electronics.
Trailering your Boat
Overcome boating boredom by trailering your boat to areas with better fishing, weather, or camping facilities. You'll gain the skills and tips needed to safely move your trailerable boat as well as maintenance hints and boat ramp etiquette. Get tips on protecting your gear before, during, and after transit, and learn the "one-block rule".
This two-hour seminar includes how to select tow vehicles, hitches, and trailers, how to safely and securely trailer your boat, launch it, and retrieve it, and how to operate and maintain your trailering equipment. The seminar includes video segments provided by the US Coast Guard and excellent slide notes. An optional excellent book titled Trailering Your Boat, written by Bruce Smith and published as a USPS Guide by McGraw-Hill is also available. This book serves as an excellent reference on all of these topics.
What's included?
The challenge of trailering
Choosing your vehicle
Types of hitches
Choosing and equipping your trailer
The art of towing
Launching your boat
Retrieving your boat
Trailering sailboats

Practical On the Water

Do you learn better with hands-on training and retain more of what you learn? Then our Practical on the Water Training seminar is for you! An excellent complement to our basic America’s Boating Course, this eight hour seminar is the perfect combination of four hours of classroom training and four hours of hands-on on-the-water training. It provides an explanation of how your boat handles and why. Video clips let you visualize the maneuvers prior to your experiencing them on the water. Each student receives a copy of Powerboat Handling Illustrated, a DVD, a Student Manual, and a certificate acknowledging his/her training.
What's included?
Use of lines
Departing the dock
Operating in a fairway
Steering, including a slalom course
Holding course on a range
Quick stop
Crossing Borders

If you live in the border states, you can cross international borders and visit our neighbors to the north or south. But what do you need to know? This seminar explains the immigration and customs process and the programs that enable boaters to easily cross into Canada, Mexico or the Bahamas. Be prepared by having the correct documents; we can help you get there. Each student receives a full color Student Guide especially written for the seminar.
What's included?
Understand the immigration and customs process
Prepare and carry the correct documents for your crossing
Who are and how to contact the proper authorities
Timelines for the entry and departure processes
What can’t be carried across the borders
Propane Systems on your Boat
Propane and butane, also known as LPG (Liquified Petroleum Gas), are the most common cooking fuels used on boats. While efficient, cost effective, and widely available, these fuels can also be dangerous. This seminar gives you the tools you need to use propane fuel safely on the water. It explains boat propane systems, propane safety, and how to keep your boat and crew safe. Students receive a detailed student guide, with a glossary, inspection checklist, and standard operating plan for what to do when there is a leak.
What’s Included?
How LPG works
Components of a typical bulk delivery system, what they do, and how they work together to deliver fuel to appliances
Risks of using LPG and how to mitigate them through prevention—how to inspect and maintain your LPG system, test for leaks and locate them, operate your LPG appliances safely
What to do in an LPG emergency
This seminar will not teach you how to install or repair an LPG system. Those tasks should only be performed by technicians certified by ABYC (American Boat and Yacht Council) in marine LPG systems.